WOW! Has it really been 7 months? I guess this blog thing just won't settle into my bones. I want to blog at least once a week, but as you can see, I'm not very good at keeping this up. Maybe I might get some followers if I could keep it consistent...I'm a work in progress...
Well, here's my latest. I saw a similar picture to this in a kids book and really thought that it might make a good scrapbook page. I love God's world...the animals, trees, bugs, butterflies, all of it...this page shows nature at it's animated best!
The little prayer at the bottom is designed to look kind of like grass...each leaf is individually glued (What a job that was!), the little owl is paper pieced and complete with 15mm wiggly eyes!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I made it!
I really will try to do better with this blog thing!!!

Love it!!!!